The intensive includes courses on qualitative traditions, research design, data collection, analysis, and innovative strategies in the field. To export projects from NVivo, open the project and choose the Share tab, then Export Project. One strength of MAXQDA is that they have new publishing section which has free, books on various topics about to use the.
#Maxqda vs qsr nvivo software
qde option to show REFI-QDA exchange files. NVivo - Windows, NVivo Mac, NVivo 12 Windows and NVivo 12 Mac support the REFI-QDA Standard, which enables interoperability between Qualitative Data Analysis Software programs. I think both programs are equally good, but NVivo has better marketing. Not sure if MAXQDA, or NVivo is the better choice for your needs No problem Check Capterras comparison, take a look at features, product details, pricing.

Then in the file type selection box, choose the. The Odum Institute has joined ResearchTalk, Inc., in presenting the Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, a five-day qualitative research professional development course series, offered annually in July. NVivo exchange To import REFI-QDA projects in NVivo 12, choose the Open Other Project on the first screen (in the left blue column). If you are interested in using our transcription service, please contact Katrina Marks at for more information or use our service request form hosted on Qualtrics.”

Note that most of these software packages offer educational discounts and very steeply discounted student licenses (proof required). Secure data sharing and storage options are available for researchers dealing with sensitive data. Coding Software See UNC Odum Institute, which supports QSR NVivo, ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA and a web-based program called Dedoose: qualitative data analysis software. Recordings from focus groups and interviews are transcribed by student staff members using IRB-approved software, all of whom have completed CITI IRB training. The Odum Institute provides audio transcription services to Carolina staff, faculty and students conducting qualitative research.