Gameboy sp with brighter screen
Gameboy sp with brighter screen

gameboy sp with brighter screen

SP 2 (Brighter), GB Micro, and DS anything have been all backlit. The old screen has two light settings (off and on) while the newer screen has two setting that are BRIGHT and BRIGHTER. No, the original SP was frontlit with a small low light array of LEDs in front/around the panel which causes it to look dim and messes with the color quality too (which is why earlier GBA games had in some on the option screen custom palette switches for GBA, SP and SP2. I was not aware of the vast superiority of the newer AGS-101 screen until I gave mine away and bought another one (the NES version). Its also not the battery because it works in my other GBA SP, the older model. I dont know if that has anything to do with the problem. Which versions of the SP came with the brighter AGS-101 screen exclusively and which versions could be had with both? The model that isnt working is the newer one, with the brighter screen.

gameboy sp with brighter screen

Duración de la batería: hasta 10 horas con la luz encendida, hasta 18 horas con la luz apagada. Energía: Batería recargable de ion de litio, 700 mAh. I did not know the Spongebob version had the brighter screen until I saw one on ebay. Pantalla (diagonal): 2.9' LCD (TFT) color reflexivo de 32.768 colores y 240x160 píxeles, con luz frontal (en la versión Brighter, luz trasera). I thought ALL the pearl blue systems had the newer AGS-101 screen.

gameboy sp with brighter screen

I know these four versions came with the far superior enhanced screen (version AGS-101) versus the older version of the SP (version AGS-001) but I was recently thrown for a loop when I saw what I thought was a pearl blue system but with the older screen.

Gameboy sp with brighter screen